I help people in their natural healing process with Bioenergetic massages and Chakra harmonization.
The HF Bioenergetic massage is a high-energetic method of treatment, that exerts immediate influence on cell tension, cell structure and cell energy. That is applied in the area of wellness with great success.
By applying the set treatment procedure and the individual but nevertheless specific sequence of grips we can purposely recondition the coherence, that is, the order of the cells, and strengthen cellular tension and the immune system.
Through symmetry, pressure, and rhythm we can regulate and stimulate the strength, intensity, and power of the cells. Cellular energy is increased and the powers of self-healing activated.
Bioenergetic massages:
-Regeneration ( relaxing & better sleep)
-Regulation (body regulation)
-Anti-stress (new energy & new power)
-Detox / Purification / Metabolism
-PMS / Menopause
-Heart (strengthen the heart & gives you more vitality)
-Anti-Migraine (helps you to free you head)
-Tinnitus ( supports healing of tinnitus with regular treatment.)
Chakra harmonization of all seven Chakras is essential to avoid the feeling of listlessness, tiredness and depression. Chakra harmonization improves bodily functions and can positively influence the thought process and the mind. A constant balance of all seven Chakras which is what we mean by Chakra harmonization will promote a sense of well-being and overall health. Lack of Chakra balancing where any or all of the seven Chakras are too open or too closed means the universal energy is not flowing through them properly which can lead to disease, depression and an overall bad feeling.

08.30 -18.00
08.30 -18.00
08.30 -20:00
08.30 -18.00
10.00 -17:00